

Sarah Tonello was born in Brescia, Italy, in 1990. She studied Biomedical Engineering from Politecnico of Milano, Milan, Italy, where she received the B.Sc. degree (cum laude) in September 2012 and the M.Sc. degree (cum laude) in October 2014.

During her M.Sc., she was selected to participate to the “Atlantis CRISP” dual degree project. Thanks to this grant, she had the opportunity to participate to a monthly summer school in July 2013 at Ecole d’Ingenieurs Telecom Physique of Strasbourg, focused on robotics and assisted surgery, and then to move to University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, USA, where she received her M.Sc. degree in Biomedical Engineering in August 2014. She carried out her M.Sc. thesis at the University of Florida in the Laboratory for Cardiovascular Tissue Engineering working on the development of a controlled release method for a pro-angiogenetic protein mixture.

From November 2014 to October 2017, she was a Ph.D. student in Technology for Health in the University of Brescia, where she worked with the Department of Information Engineering. During her Ph.D., she was a Guest Ph.D. student in the Integrated System Laboratory (LSI) at the Ecole Polytechnique Féderale de Lausanne, Lausanne, Switzerland.

Currently, she is working as a Postdoctoral Fellow with the Department of Information Engineering at the University of Brescia.



Phone: +39 0303715937

